April 12, 2010

Perth, Anyone?


Really got one way RM199 flights by airasia!

hmm.. perth anyone? hahaha

April 05, 2010

Sad day for my watch


See anything amiss?


The friggin glass disappeared! =(

dunno where it fell.. SIGH. This watch has been through a lot with me. =S

April 04, 2010

Quick Update

27032010703Update from Melaka (It wouldn’t be acceptable to be at Melaka to not visit this now would it? =) )

Hey guys. Sorry for the serious lack of updates. Life’s been super busy for the past week. FYI it was the first week of posting, and already I feel overwhelmed. Guess it’s a huge transition from the relatively sedentary life at Manipal.. So ppl who are still at Manipal, take note : CHERISH IT!

So.. what’s new?



1. Bought a new bicycle ( basically the only vehicle transportation that i can afford ). Blue again, the one at Manipal also blue. 18-speed with front and back suspension. =)

310320107212. The boxes that we cargo-ed back from Manipal has arrived (finally!) on 31st March 2010; and if you see the ratio of the man to the number of boxes you can imagine how MANY boxes were there.. whew. After carrying boxes back I’m happy to announce that so far I have not developed any visible cough impulse on the abdominal wall.


basically that’s it for now. the rest of my week was occupied by postings.

My daily schedule would be like waking up at 6.30am in the morning, reach college by 7.30am for the bus to Melaka GH, posting starts at 8am till 12.30pm, then come back to college for lunch, then theory class from 2pm to 5pm. DAILY. well except fridays where afternoon classes start at 2.30pm instead of 2pm. The only saving grace would be that we have the Saturdays off.. But yesterday flew by so quickly. S-I-G-H!

Anyway back to doing my piling homework! need to finish it ASAP.. sigh. again.