random post..
Barca won the Champion’s league again, twice in 3 years. Congrats Barca. kinda expected this result already la.
It’s gonna be an epic day tomorrow.. in terms of my posting in OBG.. it’s the second block test tomorrow morning, AND the end-of-posting exams as well. On the same day. Man.. it’s gonna be tough. the only consolation is that once that is over basically I’m done with the posting. wait. WHAT?? so fast?? I don’t even have time to read sufficiently yet..
It’s a very busy (for me) posting.. first week, there was the elective forms n stuff to be taken care of, second week has the block test as well as protocol presentation.. third week we had the honour of having the surgery sessionals.. and tomorrow, first day of the fourth week, there’s the block test 2 + EOP exams.
WHY so early? well basically it’s because of the Malaysia Medical Association’s Annual conference for medical student thingy that’s going to be held, for the first time, in Melaka.. so basically lecturers are going to be occupied from Thu onwards..
Good news? yeah but the college decides that non-participants should not be let off so easily.. So instead we have to go to the wards and do ward work for both days. pffft..
I guess it’s their way of making things fair for those who are involved with the conference, whether the committee or the participants.. And yeah I do need the extra ward-work time to learn the subject, since as the P2S1 exam looms in Sept, I need all the practice I can get during official class hours. (note : official class hours. I’m NOT going to clinics after hours =P)
Oh well. Time to hit the books. Gahh.. How I wish it was to hit the sack rather than to hit the books xD
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