May 03, 2011



My Inspiron 6400.

Has been with me since January 2007. Through ups and downs since then. It’s already 4 years and what, 4 months old?

Last Saturday it had a problem with the keyboard. As a result the laptop was stuck in the Dell boot screen for more than half an hour. Was sad to see it be in such condition after such a long time. Eventually it was revived after disconnecting the faulty keyboard.. And now it is dependent on a USB keyboard for it to function.. Sigh. No more portable system. And looks a bit pitiful. Like a terminal stage cancer patient with multiple metastases to the liver and lungs and bones. And brain. You get my idea. But even at this stage it still bravely fights on, day after day. *touched*

At least it lives on. =) Hopefully for some more time la. Since there’s really no budget for a replacement.

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